About AskBiz Business, Finance and Technolgoy Forums
AskBiz Story
AskBiz is founded by Kalpana Kavi - Neha Vishwarupe as part of !nspration Group Projects. Askbiz will make you a knowlegable person by giviing you knowlegebase of shared Information. AskBiz is connecting People, Developers, sharing knowledge of the world, built to inform, deliver clarity and really answer a question. You come to AskBiz because you suspect that someone has already had your question before, and you need an answer to it. While it does allow for (and encourage?) some curiosity-driven exploration, it is built to be definitive, and thus the design of a question page will be such that You can find your question, read the top answer, and perhaps a couple of others that add further clarity, and be on your way. Because you sought out AskBiz looking for a specific answer, and got it, you will come back next time you have a question.